Huntstown Community Centre is proud to be part of Fingal County Council Keen to be Green programme.
We are also members of the Conscious Cup Campaign and Refill Ireland progammes.
What is Refill Ireland?
Refill Ireland is a voluntary environmental project leading the way to make Ireland a tap water refilling country once again.
You can now refill your reusable bottle for FREE in Huntstown Community Centre.
Conscious Cup Campaign
Disposable cups are virtually impossible to recycle due to the combination of plastic and paper in their design. It is estimated in Ireland we dispose of over 22000 of these non-recyclable cups very hour !!
Apart from logistical problems with recyclable or compostable takeaway cups, both of these options use up valuable resources for what is essentially a single-use item. Both require raw materials and energy to make, transport and dispose of them, these resources can never be recouped.