Customer Care

We will put the users at the centre of our service and be responsive to our users’ needs
We will treat our users with courtesy and respect
We aim to provide a helpful, friendly and effective service within the constraints of available resources
We provide users with the means to submit comments and suggestions and undertake regular surveys of their opinions
We will use these comments to help us further improve our service
We provide full training including customer care for our staff ensuring service is of a high quality
We are aware of and assist users with special needs, providing a service free from discrimination
We publicise our services keeping users informed of changes
We aim to provide a service to all ages
In all of this our wish is to ensure that users receive a level of service that we would like to receive in their place. In return we ask you to:
Treat the centre with respect
Recognise that centre staff are entitled to the same courtesy and respect
Huntstown Community Centre recognise and affirms the right of all people, both young and old, to participate
fully in the social, economic, political and cultural life of their community regardless of gender, sexuality, creed or
political opinion. Huntstown CC. is committed to upholding these rights in our interactions with young people,
adults, volunteers, employees and the wider community.
We shall adhere to all current Government Health Guidlines